Last Day-Day 26-A Poem A Day

I had this harebrained idea over three weeks back

To pen a poem a day shouldn’t be too hard to hack

It was less than a month that I’d committed to write every day

How hard can that be, to myself I did say

I found I know very little about rhyming schemes

And it’s not always easy to come up with a theme

Of different forms of poetry, my ignorance knows no bounds

Writing poetry is more difficult than it sounds

And to those who blog daily for a year 

Well the thought to my eye now brings a tear

And while tonight I know this is the last daily poem I will do

I am thinking there’s likely no one more relieved than you!



Thanks for reading and to those who commented.  Whatever will I blog about now?



Antiques Road Show-Day 25-A Poem A Day

My husband likes to watch television’s Antiques Road Show

Where regular folks take things from home and off they go

To have the picture from Aunt Nettie appraised and explained

In hopes they will hear of great value gained

You see lunch kits from the 60’s worth one hundred times four

Which makes you think-when I was kid we shoulda bought more

And carted the stuff around from life’s place to place

While bemoaning that the flotsam was taking up space

Until you decide that it’s time to downsize 

And you donate them to Goodwill.  None too wise!

A Sunny Spring Day-Day24-A Poem A Day

No matter how many you see winters come and go

If you live in the northern hemisphere

The end of snow and beginning of spring

Always seems like a welcome surprise

(You’re never quite sure if it is here to stay)

And people you hardly see at all are now out

And about and friendlier than you remember

You think to yourself, I hope these next months go

So very slowly and the new green of spring lasts and lasts

And if that won’t happen then you hope 

You’ll be granted another winter and the joy of next spring

Awed by Authors-Day 22/23-A Poem A Day

In our fair town there is held spring and fall

An International Writers Festival

It is something I had always planned to attend

And did finally when my regular day job did end

The spring event started this week

And I’ve been out to see the talent speak

It’s a rich experience to hear author’s talk

About their craft, their inspiration and writer’s block

I got so wrapped up and absorbed in dialogue


I forgot I was to create a poem on my blog!




A Good Night’s Sleep-Day 21-A Poem A Day

For a good night’s sleep we invested

In blackout blinds that’d been tested

To keep the city’s after daylight glow

From coming inside above and below

And it seems all in all, a dollar well spent

For our snoozin’ now seems heaven sent

But now from the south has returned a songbird

Who thinks at 4:30 a.m. his song should be heard

I don’t think I’ll find it but on the internet will seek

Some gizmo to buy guaranteeing blackout beak

picture of a robin

My Unusual Joy-Day 20-A Poem A Day

There is a certain activity that brings me joy

It’s not one that brings happiness to every girl and boy

Just give me some garden gloves and offset shears

And I’ll go at a neglected bush in way that can bring tears

To those who don’t know how much it helps shrubs and trees

You give the thing some shape and allow the summer breeze

To whistle through the branches and play a pretty tune

By now, you’ve figured out I love to prune!


True story: when I first started pruning there were few references or how to books available.  A co-worker back then advised me that one should prune a tree so a bird could flew through the branches.  I started with our apple tree.  Well, one thing led to another and when my husband came out of the house to view the result he said “You were to leave enough space for a bird, not a 747!”  Yes it looked pretty barren but you should have seen the apples the next year!

April is Tax Month-Day 19-A Poem A Day

Every year before the month of April is at its end

In Canada we must fill in a form and to the government send

A tally of income and perhaps some deductions from the year just past

And we wish the amount left owing won’t leave us aghast

Let us find solace in thinking taxes are our friend


(for you wouldn’t pay any if you didn’t have any money)

Carrots-Two Bucks A Bag-Day 18-A Poem A Day

This is the third year in a row

My friend and I have taken to hoe

And rake and seeds, watering cans and such

Hoping our community garden would produce much

Each year we have measures of success and some not

As we bend and tend in that garden plot

There’s plenty of joy and a fair amount of toil

In hope of nutritious vegetables from the soil

We try to start many seeds indoors


The little pots lined up on window sills and floors

If you accounted for your time, in planning, caring and more

You realize how little you pay at the store

It takes some spunk to not let your spirits sag

When your friends tease you about your garden saying “Carrots-two bucks a bag”

Are you a gardener?  Got any stories to share?

The Dog Ate My Homework-Day16/17-A Poem A Day

The dog ate my homework, is a manner of speaking

To explain with statements approaching veracity

When perhaps some rationale you are seeking

While perhaps the task has exceeded your capacity

And into the abyss of excuses you easily slide

With reasons piled on reasons of why you did not

Those within earshot can hardly abide

And you yourself after a while into the story line are bought

Yesterday, it appears I missed a daily post

When I had committed to a little prose every day for while

I did pen something yesterday but the server was toast

And the queue for postings was longer than a mile

And the database absorbed the malware’s cookies into it

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it

Perth, Ontario-Day 15-A Poem A Day

Just had the good fortune to spend a week away

Went to a vibrant community in Ontario, known as Perth

It’s a place to recommend, if even for a day


To see “the prettiest town in Ontario”, it is well worth

Your time to see a community by Canadian standards fair old

With beautiful buildings of yesteryear well-preserved


You can learn about the community’s heritage in stories told

The recount of the last duel can leave you unnerved

Where for the love of a woman, the loser was shot dead

But times have changed and the place is a delight

Many a place for visitors to enjoy breakfast and bed

And pleasant restaurants and pubs where you can enjoy a bite

If you have the chance do make your way to Perth Ontario

It has a lot going for it, as they say,  it’s a great scenario
